Monday, March 7, 2016

Almond Flour Cookies (Orange Chocolate)

This is my new obsession.  It's bad.  Really really bad.  When I'm down to the last cookie, I mix more dough.  It's bordering on sad...

The original recipe is from blog.  He's gluten-free, too, and I pop over there more than I should.  I'm eyeing the g-free Lemon Crinkles.  I will do more than that soon enough!

Anyway...I wanted to get away from butter, subbing coconut oil where ever possible, and it works here.  I upped the flavor profile, because I could!  I used the zest from an organic Valencia orange.  WOW!  Pure magic with dark chocolate...

(I've been playing with evaporated cane juice in lieu of sugar.  The crystals are larger and incorporating them takes a bit more elbow grease than does mixing regular cane sugar.  I allow a little "soak" time before continuing...)


1/4 C coconut oil, soft                    Mix sugar into coconut oil until smooth, as non-
1/4 C sugar                                    gritty as you like.
1 large egg                                     Add egg til blended.
1/2 tsp vanilla
zest of one orange                         Add vanilla and zest.  Blend well.

6 ounces almond flour                   Combine dry ingredients.  Add to wet mixture.
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt

1/2 C dark chocolate bits               Mix in chocolate bits.  (I use good quality dark 
                                                      chocolate and chop it into the size I like.)

Divide into 13 (roughly) dough blobs.  I use a parchment-lined jelly roll pan; the size accommodates a bakers' dozen nicely.  Bake 12-14 minutes.  (I pull mine just before 13 minutes.)  They will cool and become firm but soften again after you box them up.  IF you manage to box them up...!!

Gild the Lily:  Drizzle melted dark chocolate over the tops; eat!